Beautify our school

Beautify Our School What have you accomplished? *What have we accomplished is that we drew more flowers and branches on the pole. What has gone wrong? *What has gone wrong is that it's hard to paint the flowers, because it's very difficult for us to drew the petals completely. What challenges have you faced? *What challenges have we faced is that we had limited time to complete the pole, so we weren't waste the time to complete the pole. What have you learned through the process? *What have we learned through the process is that we could control the amount of pigments used. How have your skills improved over the past week? *How has our skills improved over the past week is that we could control the amount of pigments used. Are you on track for an on-time delivery? * Yes, we are on track for an on-time delivery. What adjustments need to be made on the timeline? * The adjustments for timeline is meeting every Thursday on after school. My next action is…. * ...